3rd Place, Tank Society of America, Sanford Goldstein International Tanka Contest

Delighted to have this little tanka awarded.

I watch the milk

upon the stovetop

rise and rise

all white froth and spirit—

oh, to live so lightly

Anne Benjamin,

Toongabbie, Australia

The first thing that caught our attention in this symbolic tanka lineated in a short/long/short/long/long pattern is the poet’s authentic and relevant voice. The poem’s universal appeal and emotional impact will resonate with readers. We can all relate to how the external pressures of life in this modern world often foster internal feelings of inadequacy and a longing for change. This writer has deftly employed juxtaposition and punctuation to strengthen their message. A pause at the end of line four slows the pace of the work after the “rise and rise” sense of anticipation. The tanka builds effortlessly to an engaging, original, and rather whimsical conclusion. We applaud the author for sharing this life experience so eloquently, and for their recognition of what it means to be vulnerable in an increasingly overwhelming environment. (an’ya and Debbie Strange, Judges)

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